Information Governance, Data Protection, Handling Patient Information, GDPR, Record Keeping and Caldicott Protocols Training

Package Price (incl. VAT)£12.95

Information Governance, Data Protection, Handling Patient Information, GDPR, Record Keeping and Caldicott Protocols

Please be aware that this course has been updated to include the 2018 legislation, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

In this module we examine the 'Information Governance, Data Protection and Caldicott Protocols' and confidentiality, focusing on issues that are relevant to Health and Social Care Professionals.

You will be made aware of your role and the role of others when it comes to confidentiality within the health care sector.

This module includes:

Introduction to Caldicott Protocols/ Caldicott Principles.

Professional codes of conduct.

Crime and national security/ the public interest exception.

The law concerning confidentiality and consent, including GDPR.

Basic rules of record-keeping.

NHS Confidentiality Code - requirements and code of practice.

Training Q&A.

This course is accompanied by Audio

© 2012 Interactive Healthcare Training Ltd.
Any copying in whole or in part of the text of this training programme is strictly prohibited. Moral rights of the author under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 are asserted.